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Total Green
between lake and mountain

Three itineraries to discover

The pleasure of experiencing nature at a slow pace. Imagine giving new value to your time, among woods, valleys and rivers. Rediscover well-being and balance, between a walk in the mountains and a bike ride at altitude.

A very close bond that unites man and nature.

You feel it in the crisp air of the mountains, or in the roar of the streams flowing through forests and valleys.  You feel it in that sense of peace and harmony that makes you feel good, in perfect balance with  natural elements.







The environment is our greatest asset, which we have always protected and greatly cared for.

This is why the landscapes of Lake Como are not mere postcards to be photographed, but are living entities, thanks to the delicate balance between plants, people and animals. This is something you feel when you explore our enchanting areas. Valleys, forests and mountains: it would be a shame to return home without having seen them.